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Friday, May 27, 2011

watermelon fruit bowl

This fruit bowl was a huge hit at the girls birthday party!! So I figure why not share what I did with my favorite group of people!!

Here is what you need:

1 banana
1 can pineapple (chunks)

I cut the watermelon in half making the bowl half the largest. Then I cut out the center as best as i good leaving the melon  "meat"in larger pieces. For the top of the bowl,  just cut small triangles around the entire edge.

Once the melon bowl was cleared of the melon "meat" I proceeded to cut the melon chunks into bite sized pieces, sliced the strawberries, sliced the banana, and opened the can of pineapple =) It all went in the bowl including the juice to the pineapple. I put the banana in the middle because I didn't want it to brown.

You will have a lot of melon that will not fit in the bowl, so I just put it in Tupperware, the kids ate it later in the week~ no waste!

1 comment:

  1. How long can you carve the watermelon before serving?
