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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sugar Cookies

My mom gave me this recipe last Christmas, my first attempt was a disaster!! But I have made them twice since and have been able to pull it off!! I decided to make the kids cookies today for the Valentine Holiday..

3/4 c sugar
2/3 c shortening (i didn't have that on hand so i used 1 stick butter softened)
1 tsp. vanilla

cream the above ingredients and than add 1 egg


Stir in 4 tsp of milk
2 cups of flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt

Form a nice soft dough- and then refrigerate for an hour.
roll and cut

bake 10-12 min in 350 oven!

I put a cherry frosting and pink "falmingo" sprinkles on these! Thank you Mom, I "heart" you for this recipe!

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