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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Grilled Chicken (mayo and italian dressing)

Ok ladies- You CAN grill! We have a Weber charcoal grill and my opinion is nothing beats charcoal! It is hard to believe its February 15th in Nebraska and we reached 60! I had no choice... I HAD TO GRILL!!!

I bought a pack of chicken breast tenderloins today pounded them out a little and then just alittle mayo and 3 squirts of Italian dressing i rubbed them and put them in a bowl covered for 2 hours to "rest and get to know eachother"

I put them on skewers two on each and then grilled them with the lid on about 8-10 min a side - just a little reminder wait until your charcoal is completely gray and then shake to even it out on the bottom of the grill.

brought them in and put a little more Italian dressing on and covered them in foil until i was ready to serve.

tonight i made asparagus (green french fries) and a quick coleslaw-

here is the chicken marinated :

And on the grill

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