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Saturday, May 28, 2011

ranch pepperoni pasta (summer meal idea 1) *video

This was simple and i just threw it together.

1 cup tri-colored pasta
1 cucumber sliced
pepperoni cut into fours
black olives sliced
green pepper chopped
green onion chopped
Little feta cheese
shredded parmesan
ranch dressing (1/2 cup)
mayo (1/2 cup)
sea salt /pepper

Now just boil your pasta and then throw it all together...using a much or as little of each ingredient you want. If its too dry add more mayo or ranch but i suggest starting out with just a 1/2 cup each. Make this ahead of time so it has time to blend together at least 1 hour.

Served this with kielbasa, that i cut into long pieces and then sliced down the middle..grilled and fruit salad.

Link to the watermelon bowl:

Friday, May 27, 2011

watermelon fruit bowl

This fruit bowl was a huge hit at the girls birthday party!! So I figure why not share what I did with my favorite group of people!!

Here is what you need:

1 banana
1 can pineapple (chunks)

I cut the watermelon in half making the bowl half the largest. Then I cut out the center as best as i good leaving the melon  "meat"in larger pieces. For the top of the bowl,  just cut small triangles around the entire edge.

Once the melon bowl was cleared of the melon "meat" I proceeded to cut the melon chunks into bite sized pieces, sliced the strawberries, sliced the banana, and opened the can of pineapple =) It all went in the bowl including the juice to the pineapple. I put the banana in the middle because I didn't want it to brown.

You will have a lot of melon that will not fit in the bowl, so I just put it in Tupperware, the kids ate it later in the week~ no waste!

HOBO dinner

Hobo dinner's are fun and easy! A few years back Aaron's parents came to visit and made them. Karen and Rich are big time campers, and this is one of their favorites when camping out. I like them because there is little mess, and everyone can make their own, exactly the way they want!

here is what you need:

heavy duty foil - or double up on regular foil
ground beef
green pepper
potato (sliced)- I use red potatoes
non stick spray
salt and pepper
garlic powder
blackened seasoning or any other seasoning of your choice.
lay a square of foil out and spray with non stick spray. Next put your potatoes on (sliced) and then your ground little or as much as you want! Then simply put the rest of the toppings in, season, wrap... grill covered for 20 minutes!!

I serve these right in the foil! no plates, no mess!! I hope you give these a try this summer!


Sunday, May 22, 2011

lemon and butter chicken on the grill!

Goodness, thank you Paula Dean! I came across this early this morning when I took the chicken out. I was searching for something to do with it, and I found hero!! and it was fate!!! I had everything on all 3 ingredients!!

Now, I used 3 large chicken breasts.. marinated them in half the sauce (3 hours)..and used the rest the last 6 minutes of grill time..this sauce is what makes the flames go up and gives this chicken a great charbroil! I did salt and pepper the chicken and when I pulled it from the grill I sprinkled just a tad of sea salt over it!

the LINKS:

Just a little note.. i was talking to a friend and saying how this reminded me of lobster, the chicken so tender all the butter and lemon... :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Country style ribs (pork) Italian dressing (VIDEO)

link for mustard sauce:

link for the applesauce:

First I have to say thank you MOM! She is the one who gave this recipe to meeeeee :)

simple- 2 ingredients... meat and salad dressing!

I bought about 2 pounds of boneless pork country style ribs- put them in the freezer. This morning i took them out and defrosted just enough to get them out of the package and put them into my crock pot- but before i put them in, i squirted some Italian dressing in the bottom of the crock pot- about 1/4 inch.
placed my ribs in, and then put more dressing on top- i used roughly half of the 16fl oz bottle. the dressing i used was the Walmart brand zesty Italian dressing.

set the crock pot on cook low 8 hours. about 3pm i gave them a stir and pulled out the fat.

for sides tonight i have a coleslaw (i love slaw ON my sandwich) and... i made a mustard BBQ sauce. Hard rolls, and corn. My secret to cole slaw is Marzetti.. slaw sauce.

By no means do you have to make sandwiches with this. This pork would be great on egg noodles, or rice, or.. mashed potatoes.

This is the meat in my crockpot done~

Tuesday, May 17, 2011



1 pound center cut bacon
beefsteak tomatoes sliced
white onion sliced thin
iceberg lettuce
all on a ....
hard roll

NOW!!! what's yours!!?? email it to me at or get to me via facebook by May 31st!! winner will be announced June 1st!

Contest is open to ALL followers of the blog whether your name is in that chuckles friends box or not!! I only ask that you send clear instructions and a single picture of the finished product! HOORAY for a new contest!

below are the soup links:

OK HAHA!! i got a text last night from a person saying that they make their BLT  JUST BLT.. i said: "oh, well you need to spice it up alittle," the reply... "well when i go to subway, i get cucumbers and banana peppers on it"
YOU CAN DO THAT AT HOME!!! so please people, get creative!! make it a meal at home, a special treat and tell me about it!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Chicken Cesar Bowtie Pasta (video)

Chicken Cesar Bowtie Pasta

2 chicken breast- boiled until cooked and falling apart (or you can use canned chicken)
2 cups cooked bowtie pasta
1/3 cup Cesar dressing
1 cup mayo
2 green onions chopped
2 ribs of celery chopped
1/2 of a larger cucumber pealed and chopped
salt and pepper to taste
shredded Parmesan cheese for the top!
*sliced black olives optional

simple stuff, just mix it together in the morning and put it in the refrigerator until ready to serve!

Friday, May 13, 2011

corned beef- oven (video)

OK guys! cook your corned beef fat side up in 1 inch of water covered in a 350 oven for 1 hour per pound. Next uncover and cook at 375 for 15-30 minutes. Let it REST for atleaast 15 and then slice and serve! ENJOY this with boiled cabbage or coleslaw... and a nice green!

* all the juice that comes with the corned beef goes in with it! and sprinkle that seasoning pack on top.

link for the cole slaw:

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Baked Salmon/Asparagus 30 min. meal *video

You can have this ready and on the table in 20 minutes!

preheat oven to 375- i put alittle olive oil on the bottom of a glass baking dish- then i put my salmon in, skin side down, drizzled a little more olive oil on, squirted some lemon juice on them, and then added dill weed, sea salt and cracked pepper and old bay baked un covered for 8-12 minutes (or until flakes with a fork)


bring a pot of water to a boil, snap the ends off of your asparagus.. boil for 3 minutes. In a skillet heat some butter about a Tbl. put you asparagus in and season with salt and pepper and cook until soft! delicious!

I did make home made applesauce as a side here is the link!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

chicken and potatoes foil pack...grill -(video)

please double click this picture to see the beauty!!

Again a HUGE thank you to Wanzer... !!! this was so great! and on a hot day i didn't want to turn the oven on...perfect timing on this meal for sure!! So below is the original email he sent me and beneath it is the what i did! The beauty of cooking.. You make it YOUR own!

Chicken and potatoes on the grill.

First we usually use some heavy duty foil to make a foil packet or foil tray whatever you want to call it. Found that making it yourself is cheaper first of all but easier to work with because a homemade packet you can take the top off to see everything cooking.

take your chicken whatever you decide to use whether it be boneless breast, thighs or legs you get the point. I like thighs with the bone personally. Get a 30 min marinade, whatever you personal taste is.

get some potatoes whatever you like, whether it red or white or whatever the hell kind of potatoes out there lol!! Slice them up into thick slices but not to thick. (with skin on) We generally slice up an entire onion (optional) You can add other things but we generally keep it simple chicken potatoes and onion.

Put it all into your homemade foil packet (coat the bottom with I usually use olive oil so it doesn't stick to much). Season to taste, I usually use season salt and GOYA Adobo all purpose seasoning. your call what you want there. like I said before I like to keep it simple. Seal the packet up get the grill going like a medium heat if using propane toss the packet on and forget about it. Usually takes about 20 min but I like to cook it just a little longer because it is chicken... so about 25. Give or take. It gives you time to cook a veggie to go along with it because I like to cook something green with it.


2 chicken breast- pounded
marinated in 1/2 cup of Italian dressing and 1 tbl of mayo (30 minutes or more)

foil pack sprayed with olive oil non-stick spray: chicken, sliced red potatoes,  chopped white onion... sprinkled... Chicago steak seasoning...sea salt and cracked black pepper... added 1 tbl of butter (real butter) to the top! (my weakness)

wrapped it up tight, and put it on the grill.. for easy sake..please PUT THE LID ON THE GRILL... haha it will be done it 25!

Monday, May 9, 2011

chicken burgers..take II!! (video)

So like i was saying TRY MAKING THESE!!~~ I personally do not like ground turkey, way more of a chicken person... and these guys WOW  GREAT! I like that you mix the ingredients "in" before you grill- instead of say,  just seasoning a chicken breast and throwing it on the grill!
I did add a teaspoon of mayo.. and tonight was all generic store bought bread crumbs I did not make my own.

Do NOT use your food processor to ground your chicken breast, i did that tonight and burnt the motor out :). I recommend cutting it into small pieces or asking your butcher to ground your chicken breast for you! I am thinking of investing in a meat grinder  because i like these chicken burgers so much!

another little note here- I made these burgers thinner this time around and like it much better... i think they cooked better. Also i sprinkled some blackened seasoning on both sides of the patties.. added a little more flavor! They were good tonight and will be great tomorrow for lunch!

Here's the link, don't forget your buns, PICKLES!!, lettuce, and tomato!

more pictures:

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Raspberry, ricotta pastries

Hi, everybody. This is my first post to this blog (thanks for the invite!). This post is going to cover something I came up with this weekend to bring to a party. These "Raspberry, ricotta pastries" are made out of the "Croissants de Boulanger" dough from "The Joy of Cooking" (page 913 in the 1997 edition in my kitchen). If you've made these before feel free to skip down a bit. If you haven't read on.This starts with three sticks (3/4 lb.) of butter and three tablespoons of all-purpose flour. TJoC calls for cold butter, but I find it works better at room temperature. Mix them up with a fork, a pastry blender, or better yet a potato masher (which I find works best).

Set the butter/flour mixture aside and continue the recipe. Pour:
  • 1 Cup of milk or cream,
  • 2.5 teaspoons of active dry yeast,
  • and 1 tablespoon of sugar
into a sauce pan and heat them to about 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Whisk the ingredients together until the yeast has dissolved.

Once that is done (or while it's heating up if you would like to speed up this process a bit. In another bowl, mix:
  • 2.75 cups of all-purpose flour,
  • 1 teaspoon of salt,
  • 2 tablespoons of softened butter, cut into small pieces.
Once again, I like to use a potato masher rather than a pastry blender to mix this up.

Take the warm milk mixture and pour it into the bowl with the the flour mixture. At this point, you can either mix it with the masher/blender, or as I do, your fingers. Mix it up enough to soak up all the dry ingredients, but no more.

Set the dough out on a lightly floured surface (like your counter...), roll it flat, and spoon the butter/flour mixture from the beginning (remember that bowl?) out into the middle of the dough.

Spread out the butter with a spatula or something like that. fold the edges of the of the dough across the middle so that it is folded into thirds.

Roll this out flat, and fold it into thirds again. Keep doing this until the butter is fully mixed in (i.e. you should see no blobs of it when you're rolling). TJoC says this takes about four folding and rollings, but I find it takes about twice that.

At this point, you could just follow the rest of TJoC recipe and just make croissants. Now, time for the filling. Mix:
  • 1 pound of ricotta cheese,
  • cinnamon and nutmeg to taste,
  • 1/8 of a cup of sugar,
  • and about three tablespoons of good raspberry jam
into a bowl.

Roll the croissant dough to a thickness of about 1/4 inch, and cut it into roughly four-inch squares (I find a pizza cutter works well for this). Spoon about a teaspoon of the filling into the center of the square and fold the corners into the center.

Set the pastries out on a cookie sheet, and let them rise for about an hour. After that's done,
preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. While your oven is heating up, scramble an egg and brush it onto the surface of the pastries. This will cause them to bake to a nice golden-brown color. Please remember to brush the raw egg onto the pastries AFTER you let them rise for an hour. It's probably overkill to have to state that explicitly, but I worry sometimes...

Once your oven has heated up, bake the pastries for 20 to 25 minutes. I find that they take a bit longer than that because I live way up in the mountains (over 7000 feet above sea level), but if you live where 90% of the Earth's population does, it should be fine. When they're done, they should be a nice golden-brown color.

At this point, you're done if you want to be. If you want to be extra fancy, melt some dark chocolate (in either a double-boiler or the microwave), and drizzle it across the top of the pastries.

If you choose the drizzle option, be sure to cool them in the refrigerator before serving. Other than that, enjoy!

Chicago dogs (video) ON LOCATION

This was a lot of fun, and such a nice change on just having hot dogs for dinner. A special thank you to my brother Allen for being such a good sport! Never use ketchup on a Chicago dog!!

You only need a few things to pull this off at home:

beef hot dogs, Nathans or another high end beef dog (bring your hot dogs to a boil and turn off the heat)
sport peppers
garlic dill pickles (home made - recipe to come!)
celery salt
chopped white onion
sweet pickle relish
buns (if you can find poppy seed that would be ideal)
yellow mustard

Don't forget the fries! If you order this at a traditional Chicago dog stand, your order of fries would come wrapped in the wax paper with your dog!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

creole skillet (30 min) *videos

THIS TASTES WONDERFUL!!! forget the "box" New Orleans stuff!! cooking the rice in chicken broth...fantastic! flavor explosion.. everything went super well with each other... WILL MAKE THIS AGAIN!!!  Oh..30 minutes. ONE skillet...dinner done! Who can ask for more!

1 medium onion, chopped (3/4 cup)
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper
1/2 lb fully cooked kielbasa sausage, cut lengthwise into fourths, sliced
3 large tomatoes, chopped (2 1/2 cups)
1 cup Progresso® chicken broth (from 32-oz carton)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon Cajun seasoning
1 1/2 cups uncooked instant rice
Red pepper sauce, if desired
  1. Spray 12-inch skillet with cooking spray; heat over medium-high heat. Add onion, garlic and bell pepper to skillet. Cover; cook 3 to 5 minutes, stirring once, until vegetables are crisp-tender.
  2. 2 Stir in kielbasa, tomatoes, broth, salt and Cajun seasoning. Heat to boiling; stir in rice. Heat to boiling; reduce heat to low. Cook 8 to 10 minutes or until rice is tender. Fluff with fork before serving. Serve with pepper sauce.

Mexican shepherds pie- (30 min meal) *video


Great dish! fast, and tasty! Kid approved!

1 lb extra lean (at least 93%) ground beef
1/2 cup sliced green onions
1 cup Old El Paso® Thick ‘n Chunky Salsa
1 1/2 teaspoons chili powder
3/4 teaspoon cumin
1 can (11 oz) Green Giant® Mexicorn® corn, drained
1 pouch Betty Crocker® loaded mashed potatoes (from 6.1 oz box)
1 1/3 cups water
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 cup milk
1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese (2 oz)
1 medium tomato, sliced into thin wedges
Tortilla chips, if desired

  1. In 10-inch skillet, cook ground beef and 1/4 cup of the green onions over medium-high heat 5 to 7 minutes, stirring occasionally until beef is thoroughly cooked; drain. Stir in salsa, chili powder and cumin. Spoon corn evenly over beef mixture in skillet. Cover and cook over low heat until mixture is thoroughly heated.
  2. 2 Meanwhile, in 2-quart saucepan, heat water and butter to boiling. Remove from heat. Stir in milk and 1 pouch potatoes with seasoning just until blended. Let stand about 1 minute or until liquid is absorbed; beat with fork until smooth.
  3. 3 Spoon potatoes over corn in skillet; spread evenly. Sprinkle with cheese and remaining 1/4 cup green onions. Cover; cook over low heat about 5 minutes or until cheese is melted. Arrange tomato wedges in spoke fashion over potatoes. Garnish with tortilla chips around outside edge of skillet.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

chicken burgers on the grill! (video)

1 pound of ground chicken
1/2 cup of red onion chopped
1 small red pepper chopped
1 tbl blackened seasoning
2 tbl  raspberry vinaigrette
bread crumbs
non stick spray

SO... chop your onion and pepper and saute just until tender set aside.

On a cutting board dump your ground chicken... flatten and make a dip in the the center add you blackened seasoning and vinaigrette.. next you pepper and onion.. fold in bread crumbs a little at a time until a nice "burger" Constancy forms...

shape into patty's and spray each side with non stick spray.. cover with saran wrap and place in the fridge until the grill is ready.

grill each side about 7 minutes or until done.... serve on toasted buns with pickle, lettuce, tomato, and mayo!!

Now my mother says "Why would i want to do that to a perfectly good fillet of salmon?!!" and i am sure she is saying that about this one too, haha, but really its worth it because you can get all that seasoning right inside this great chicken burger!