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Monday, February 28, 2011

Mustard BBQ sauce (perfect for..PORK)

I found Dad's sauce! its almost exactly like i was making mine, but this one is better.

 My Dad Jim is master of all sauces... this one is great on pulled pork, and i bet it would work amazing on smoked chicken.

Mustard BBQ Sauce

1.            3/4 cup cider vinegar
2.            1/4 c water
3.            2 tbls chili powder
4.            1 cup yellow mustard
5.            1/2 c sugar
6.            1/4 c brown sugar
7.            1/2 tsp soy sauce
8.            2 tbls butter
9.            1 tbl liquid smoke

Mix first six ingredients and simmer for 30 minutes. Stir in remaining ingredients and simmer for 10 more minutes.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Menu week- 3/1-3/7

Oh the first week of March how exciting! Spring is getting closer and closer!

If you have been thinking of the contest and who and what you are going to enter you still have plenty of time, its open another 2 weeks.

I am happy to say this blog has had well over 1000 hits and 30 members- Our newest is Jenny!- WELCOME ABOARD!

I do not have any scheduled guest chefs for this week, I am taking volunteers... WHO wants to cook at the grill!! It was nice last week we had Lindyanne, and Patty, and Allen all contribute. It is also nice because when someone else cooks it gives me the chance to try out new ideas!

I have pulled together SEVEN new recipes for this week- And i am really excited about cooking, it took some brainstorming, my family and I wanted to try new things sooooo here is the menu:

Al's beef kabobs

chocolate oatmeal no-bake cookies

Chicken Cesar Salad

Teriyaki Chicken wings ( crock pot)

Shrimp Stir Fry

Chicken Cordon Blue

Crock Carnitas (pork)- LOL crock pot- not Crock :)

BBQ beef short ribs (crock pot)

Please forward any questions, contest entries, complaints to my email  do not use my yahoo account as it is not working.

Chicken Salad Pita

Every once in awhile I like to cook extra chicken with the intention of using it later in another dish. That is just what I did last night. I made boneless, skinless chicken breast in the crockpot.

It was very simple.
I just used double the amount of chicken, some for last night and some for tonight. I seasoned the chicken with garlic powder, pepper and celery salt. Added water to the bottom of the crockpot and cooked it on low for 6 hours.

Last night we had broiled chicken sandwiches with some sliced chicken, mayonnaise, hot peppers, lettuce and pickles and a sprinkle of mozzarella cheese. Yummy.

Now tonight I am fixing chicken salad with the leftover chicken breast.
This afternoon I mixed the salad. Here is what you need:
2 chicken breast, cooked and cubed
2 ribs of celery, sliced or chopped fine
2 thick slices of onion, chopped
1 dill pickle, chopped
dash of salt and pepper
1/2 cup mayonnaise

mix this all together and put it in the fridge to blend the flavors for awhile.
I put this in the fridge for 3 to 4 hours. It is also good for lunch the next day.

This is what it looks like before you put it in the fridge:

When you are ready for dinner you simply pull this wonderful chicken salad out of your refridgerator. The pita bread is easy to use, cut one in half and open very carefully. Lay a piece of lettuce in the open pita, spoon in some chicken filling. Repeat with the second half.
I put a homemade dill pickle on the plate too. They are a hearty garlic dill. Goes well with the chicken salad.
I served this with a fruit and jello dish on the side. Tonight we had bananas, pineapple and blueberries. You can use canned or fresh fruit.
This is a pretty light, yet satisfying meal.

Friday, February 25, 2011

shredded chicken- Flauta

My idea of a chicken flauta!!~

this is ideal to do before you go to work:
I took 4 chicken breasts and 1 cup of water along with 2 tbl of grated onion- a taco chicken seasoning pack, and 1/2 tsp of chili powder, 1/2 tsp of garlic powder- closed the lid and cooked it on low for 8 hours.

("some" small child pushed a button  on the crock pot and set it to high- it was boiling- soooo I had to add more water and say a little prayer that it wasn't going to over cook.)

With a wooden spoon i stirred the chicken and it fell apart.

Next you get a skillet and put about 1/2inch of oil in and heat it- (not too hot)

Take your flour tortilla and fill with- chicken, cheese (tonight i used fiesta blend shredded cheese), and chopped jalapenos (if you want) wrap closing the ends and fry seam side down, until brown on all sides- drain on a paper towel.

I served with sour cream, guacamole, lettuce, tomato, and home made salsa.

Easy and GOOD!

here is the chicken in the crock pot ready:

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sloppy Joes

Hello everyone! I'm so excited to share some of my favorite recipes with you. Before I get to the recipe let me share alittle about me :) Carolyn and I met when we were kids in school. I am currently a SAHM (college student) with 4 kids, ages 11, 9, 7, & 3 so I know how frustrating dinner can be. I am not a great cook but have been lucky to come across some great recipes! Okay so on to dinner... Tonight we are having Sloppy Joes. I know your thinking that you could just go grab a can of manwhich but... Do you really know what's in that can and if your on a budget it gets pretty expensive to feed a family of six (or however many you may have).

What you will need for dinner tonight is:

2 lbs. ground beef

2TBLS chopped onion

1 can tomato soup

1/2 cup catsup

4 TBLS brown sugar

1/2 tsp chili powder

1 1/2 tsp worchestire sauce

1 tsp salt

1 1/2 tsp dry mustard

Cook ground beef in skillet. Add onions; continue to cook until soft and transparent. Drain. Add remaining ingredients; simmer 20-30 minutes. Serve on hamburger buns.

So we just had chips with dinner because we were just finishing swim practice and headed to Girl Scouts so it was a busy night. You could have coleslaw, potatoe salad or any other kind of salad with it.

One more side note: This recipe freezes well so I normally double it and freeze half. Just put it in a freezer bag and label it :) I LOVE being able to cook once and eat twice!

Hope your family enjoys it as much as mine :)

Candied Chicken Breast (1st contest winner)

I just wanted to say thank you to Nancy for entering this recipe in the 1st contest. It really is simple to make, it has a sort of sweet and sour chicken taste to it. My children loved this for dinner tonight! I served it on a pinnapple ring with a side of steamed rice with peas, onion, and egg.

Below is the recipe EXACTLY- how she gave it! ENJOY

Candied Chicken Breasts

5 boneless chicken breasts
1 cup bread crumbs
1 tablespoon flour
1 1/2 teaspoons oregano
t teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper

1 1/2 teaspoon veg oil
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
2 tablespoons prepared mustard
1/4 cup ketchup
1 1/2 teaspoons worchestershire sauce
1 1/2 teaspoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons finely chopped onion
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup water
5 pineapple rings
Rinse and dry the chicken breast. Pound flat for quick, tender cooking. Mix the bread crumbs, flour, oregano, salt and pepper in a shallow bowl. Heat oil in a large skillet using medium heat. Dredge the chicken breast in the crumb mixture and brown in the skillet for 3 -4 minutes each side. Place the browned chicken breasts in a baking pan.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
In a large saucepan, over low heat, mix the brown sugar, mustard, ketchup, worchestershire sauce, soy sauce, onion, 1/2 teaspoon salt and water. Bring it to a boil. Pour it over the chicken and bake covered with aluminium foil, until chicken is no longer pink and juices run clear. Approx. 30 minutes. This will depend on the thickness of your chicken breasts and how much you browned them. Top each breast with a pineapple slice for a beautiful presentation.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Al's Super Easy Kabobs

Ok gang, with spring right around the corner I know you are itching to get that grill out! I know I am! I whipped this next little meal up for my wife on her birthday.

What you will need...

1lb top sirloin cubbed into  bite size pieces (makes about 5-6 kabobs)
1large green pepper
1large sweet onion
1 packet of your favorite grill mates seasoning (most grocery stores have these in the seasonings section)
1/4cup olive oil (I like the top shelf olive oil, makes a big difference)

You want to make your marinade first. Mix the oil, water, and seasoning pack together in a dish. Place the cubbed sirloin in the marinade (Chef's tip: You can do this the day before to give it more flavor!).  While that sits, go start the grill and let it get nice and hot. I use a gas grill. Next chop the onion and green pepper up in chunks to fit on the kabob stick.

You know the drill from here, place the meat, green pepper, and sweet onion on the sticks alternating. Cook on the grill about 15min (depends on the size of your meat).

We fixed a small side salad to go with it. The whole process took about 25 minutes.

These were super easy to put together and had plenty of flavor.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hamburgers. (my take)

Tonight was a trial run, Lindy was cooking, but she is having Internet problems and is unable to blog about her meal until possibly Thursday.-

Because i was just kinda getting a ground on how i was going to do this I kept it really basic, next time i am going to add onion, hamburger pickles, more cheese, more ketchup, and jalapenos.  I bet you could even do a BBQ version of this.

You will need to make Lindy's pizza crust:

brown i pound of hamburger. drain the fat and then get crazy- I only added shredded cheddar cheese, ketchup, mustard and salt and pepper stirred it all together in the skillet until the cheese was melted. (boring)

you just cut out the dough in small pieces roll it and fill with your hamburger- fold- cut a slit in the top, brush the top with a little butter and bake in a 400 oven for 15-20 minutes.

It was nice because i could cook the hamburger pockets.. on the top shelf in the oven and my fries on the bottom.

served it with a salad-

Hey- if any of you have made this before and have any suggestions or input please let me know!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sausage and Rice bowls

I am having one of those "off" days- it was hard to get started and then when i did it was a mad dash to get it all done- I am still staring at 2 loads of laundry a dirty kitchen and 3 kids who need to be ready for school tomorrow, its just been a bad day.
and to make things worse.... I made tuna casserole and it was not edible- i should of known better than to go that road- i personally can't stand tuna casserole so to try to experiment... was just silly

so a quick trip to the store and $9 later i have some really good things going on in my kitchen!

Sausage bowls are quick and easy- my kids love them, i have to make two batches one without crushed red pepper and Tabasco- here is the one i make for Aaron and I

1 pound of Italian sausage (you can use hot if you want)
1 green pepper sliced
1/2 large white onion sliced
2-3 garlic gloves
1 tbl butter
1 tbl crushed red pepper (use the amount to your taste)

minute rice

in a skillet put a little bit of oil and cook your sausage (sliced) with 1 glove garlic (chopped) - when your sausage is fully cooked strain the oil in a colander. (get rid of the sausage grease etc)

In your skillet now will go 1 tbl butter, your sausage and another glove of garlic (chopped)  ,your onion along with crushed red pepper and a splash of Tabasco Cook over med heat let this go about 3-5 min. Next you will add your green pepper and cover with a lid remove from heat and keep covered until ready to serve. you will want your green pepper and onion to be on the crunchy side better flavor.

by adding the green pepper last and covering it basically steams..

cook your rice to package directions... (EASY right!) and then add butter salt and pepper if you want.

You'll end up with a nice RICH garlicy sausage and a little heat  when combined with your rice... it really is good.

Sorry about the bad picture, I have to use my phone until I get a new camera :( YES- my camera is broken booohhooooo

Sunday, February 20, 2011

cheddar cheese, broccoli soup

Tonight for dinner to go with my soup, I made some chicken salad for finger sandwiches.. I used  the following recipe:

I didn't have any dill pickle so i used dillweed, and i did put about 1 cup mayo...maybe more (i love me some mayo)- and i used less celery and used green onion-
The nice thing about recipes is that you can adjust them according to you and your family's taste-  possibilities are endless in YOUR kitchen, have fun!!!

Here is a Quick delicious soup: cheddar cheese and broccoli

1 can Family size cream of chicken
3 tbs grated onion
2 tbs butter
2 cups cheddar cheese
3 cups milk
1 pack of frozen broccoli

in a large pot melt your butter and add onion (grated onion really made me cry tonight) next you add your cream of chicken soup and mix.. over a low/med heat add your cheddar cheese and mix until the cheese is melted.

when cheese is melted add your milk and use a whisk until its mixed well, add your broccoli (steamed in the  microwave first*)

bring it to a simmer- and than you can serve if you wish- i thought it was too thin so i added a grated potato and another cup of cheese... this added 20 minutes of cook time but it was well worth it. when i added the potato and cheese i covered the pot and let it simmer for 15 minutes until the potato was cooked.

salt and pepper to taste- WOW!! this is really good!

I have freezed lunch size portions for Aaron to take to work- "waste not, want not"

next weeks menu 2-22 - 2-28

There a lot of great things going on right now at the grill. We have had wonderful recipe contributions from, Nancy, Patty, and Allen. And this week I am so happy to say Lindy will be working her magic here taking on 3 days at the grill- look for her cooking on 2-22-11, 2-24-11, and 2-26-11. Lindy is the one who gave us that fantastic pizza crust recipe- ( I personally have made it twice now!)

Some nights there may be two recipes given, I figure the more the merrier. Allen says he has a great beef kabob recipe so i am anxious to see that appear here at the grill! I think its a nice addition, having a man's point of view on cooking.

The contest #2 :springtime and friendship has been posted- a day early, my bad! Have a look at it and get any questions over that you have, it is going to be fun!! It has been suggested that the winner also get a "feature" spot with the winning recipe, i think that's a great idea, and i am working on figuring out how to do that.

Here is my menu for this week:

chicken burritos-( this will be a shredded chicken burrito - chicken, cheese, and flour tortillas) prob have a rice or bean on the side.

country style ribs- I love this sooooo much i have to make it again!

grilled chicken Alfredo- i am going to grill my chicken, and serve it with my left over Alfredo sauce and a pasta.- will make a salad to go with.

Candied chicken breast- this is the winning recipe from our 1st. contest- (details to come)

cheeseburger soup- i have to try this!! i am so glad Lindy is cooking this week, to give me the opportunity to try this!

Italian breaded chicken breast- Not too sure how i am going to exactly fix this yet- but i will be making my own bread crumbs. (details to come)

sausage rice bowl- this is one of my fav's!! you will need Italian sausage, green pepper, garlic and crushed red pepper!! served over rice.. very good!

Contest #2 (Springtime and Friendship)

Are you ALL ready for the next challenge!! This one is going to be fun!
This contest is only open to current followers, I like to say team members...

Here are the rules of the game:

You have to have a friend join the blog and submit a recipe-

what i am looking for:

casserole, one dish, soup, main dish.. no desserts.

You and your friend are working as a team, its your friend who has to submit the recipe- I ask that you inbox me and tell me who it is that you are working with.

I want the recipe "blog" ready, so it needs to come to me with clear directions and a picture..sense of humor is a bonus

The prize:

I am making two Spring Themed Aprons- I am very confident that they are going to be SUPER cute! One For you, and One For your FRIEND.

so grab your friend, have them join and get that winning recipe over to me at

contest submissions are due by daylight savings.. March 13, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

CheeseBurger Soup!!

Hi everyone! My name is Allen and I am Carolyn's brother. I will be posting up some fine eats from a guys perspective :)

For my first post I have something really great to share that turned out awesome!

This one takes some time to put together (1hr 20min), but it is well worth the wait! I saw this on an episode of Diners, Drive-ins, and dives and decided it looked so good I had to try it for my self!

What you will need.....

1. One pound of lean ground beef
2. One pint of Half and Half
3. One Large Sweet Onion
4. Fresh Lettuce
5. Fresh Tomato
6. 16oz of Chicken Stock
7. Bacon (my addition)
8. 1/4cup flour mixed with 3/4cup of water
9. Half block of Velveeta cheese cubbed
10. Three Tablespoons of butter

In a big pot you will want to cook the sweet onion in the butter until it is translucent (chopped up first). While that is cooking, cook your ground beef like you would to make taco's, just without the seasoning. Also cook your bacon. Drain the grease off the ground beef and bacon (broken up) and add to your onions. Next, you add the chicken stock and flour mixture and bring to a boil (make sure nothing sticks to the bottom). After it has come to a boil, you need to add the Velveeta and half and half. Turn the heat down and let the cheese melt. Add salt and pepper as desired.

Place a cover on the pot and let cook for about an hour. When it is done add the diced lettuce and tomato to the individual bowels.

This turned out really good! Full of flavor! Here is a link to how they made it on the show. Enjoy!

Carolyn here :** I made this tonight and it was great, a nice flavor- very rich and creamy. I did substitute the half and half for 1 cup milk and 1 cup heavy cream- i also used a sea salt-  I didn't have any bacon on hand- however i think the bacon would of given it a nice smokey taste- I considered adding bacon grease but passed as I am trying to eat a little more on the healthy side. Also- adding the tomato and lettuce to the bowl really made this dish!! This is a meal in itself, no need for any sides thats for sure, it is very filling. I give this one a- "thumbs up"
my picture:

Friday, February 18, 2011

Shrimp Alfredo

WARNING: this is NOT a healthy meal, but if  you feel the urge to indulge yourself... this is where its at!
and no you didn't have to go to Olive Garden!!

<I ended up making too much sauce tonight, darn now i will have to serve it with some grilled chicken and pasta in the next week or 2. >


1/2 c butter
8 oz cream cheese
1/2 c heavy cream
1/2-1 c milk (depends on how thick you want)
1/2 c Parmesan
1 garlic glove chopped

Melt Butter w garlic, add cream cheese- and mix until it is blended. Then add your cream, 1/2 cup milk to start, and Parmesan bring it just to a simmer. pepper to taste. Now if it is TOO thick add more milk.

I took 1 pound of shrimp peeled and tails off...

in a skillet i put about 1 tsp of butter and 1 garlic gloved (chopped) brought it to a good medium- high heat and threw the shrimp in- i cooked them only until they were pink and "curled"

I had a Vermicelli pasta and simply cooked it to package direction-

when it was done, i poured desired amount of sauce on it and stirred, plated it and put the shrimp on top- then i sprinkled just a little bit of basil on.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Coke Chicken

Chuckles Grill

I'm a baker.

I have never liked to cook, until now. When the economy got bad here in Florida and around the country, we got back to cooking at home. The results have been amazing. We now are healthier because we eat less takeout and fast foods. We weigh less and the most wonderful thing is that we sit down at the dinner table every night as a family. We talk, laugh, connect and enjoy each others company. Maybe God had this in mind all along. Sooooooo....

Here we go!!!

Here is my recipe for "Coke Chicken." Hope you enjoy it.

Coke Chicken

7 chicken pieces. Now, I use some chicken breast that I pound on first. Just to make 'em that much more tender. Uses up some pent up aggression as well, but you can use whatever pieces you like. When you use chicken on the bone you get more nutrition. Just a thought.

2 Cups of Ketchup. I use Heinz Ketchup from the 114oz jug. Large sizes for large families. I do NOT put it on the table... I transfer it to a smaller, less obnoxious bottle. I'm on a budget, but I still have some class.

A 2 liter bottle of Coke. If you are worried about calories you can use diet. Its up to you. If you are thirsty, take no more than a sip.

2 Tablespoons of Worchestershire sauce. This small amount will give such a nice aroma and flavor.

1 onion, minced

2 cloves of fresh garlic, minced. Don't use that jarred stuff or garlic powder. Fresh garlic is the bomb!

1 Tablespoon of oil. I like Olive oil because it's healthy, but when you are cooking with Coke it just doesn't seem like a big deal, ya know?

Saute the onion and fresh garlic in the olive oil. Pound on the chicken and brown them in with the mixture.

In a large pot, combine the Coke, Ketchup and Worchestershire sauce. Place the chicken breasts in the Coke pot, along with the onions and garlic and simmer until the sauce is thick and sticky. Don't cover the pot or the mixture will not reduce and become thickened. It will take about 2 hours. Eat it plain or "pulled" and serve on buns.

In the meantime, get your bread machine out and throw in a loaf of bread.

Here's my recipe for "Honey Wheat Bread'

1 1/8 Cups of warm water (110 degrees)

3 Tablespoons of Honey

1/3 teaspoon of salt

1 1/2 cups of whole wheat flour

1 1/2 cups of bread flour

2 Tablespoons of oil

1 1/2 teaspoons of active dry yeast

Add these ingredients according to your bread machine specifications. Use the wheat bread cycle. It's easy and so much better for you than store bought bread. Do you know that bread companies use potassium bromate instead of salt? That's just another reason to make your own bread from scratch and eat your meals at home.

Enjoy and be healthy!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pork chops /applesauce

I made my own Italian breadcrumbs see link on the how to-

breadcrumbs, I used 3 pieces of bread, 1/2 cup Parmesan, 1 tsp oregano, 1 tsp basil.

I took semi frozen boneless pork chops dipped them in egg, and then in breadcrumbs- next i browned them in a skillet using a little oil. Next i put about 1/3cup water in my crock pot and put my chops in cooked them on low for... 4 hours they were fall apart tender for dinner. they actually cooked faster than i thought,  i think my crock pot is super strong. so i had to keep them on "warm" for an hour.

APPLESAUCE- have you ever made your own? I started last apple season. It's simple and really yummy! you can eat it warm or serve it chilled.

I took 4 good size Fuji apples. peeled/cored them cut them into chunks and boiled them until they were nice and soft. it takes a good 20/25 minutes. I put the apples in my blender, added just over 1/2 cup of the apple water, 1/4cup sugar and alittle cinnamon. and blended it until it was smooth.

here are the chops in the skillet:

and here are the FANTASTIC bread crumbs!

Really enjoyed dinner tonight, the pork was tender, the applesauce a nice compliment- and on the side we had sliced cucumbers.

Carolyn here: I made these for dinner tonight 2-28-2011
the only thing i did different was not make my own breadcrumbs, and i started them completely defrosted. Now, for some reason they are not as crunchy as they were the first time and they have been in a full 4 hours and still aren't ready. I am not really sure what happened this time around. They still taste good, the out come was just not as perfect as the last time. just thought i would share. Also there is more liquid left in the crock pot. Who knows.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Grilled Chicken (mayo and italian dressing)

Ok ladies- You CAN grill! We have a Weber charcoal grill and my opinion is nothing beats charcoal! It is hard to believe its February 15th in Nebraska and we reached 60! I had no choice... I HAD TO GRILL!!!

I bought a pack of chicken breast tenderloins today pounded them out a little and then just alittle mayo and 3 squirts of Italian dressing i rubbed them and put them in a bowl covered for 2 hours to "rest and get to know eachother"

I put them on skewers two on each and then grilled them with the lid on about 8-10 min a side - just a little reminder wait until your charcoal is completely gray and then shake to even it out on the bottom of the grill.

brought them in and put a little more Italian dressing on and covered them in foil until i was ready to serve.

tonight i made asparagus (green french fries) and a quick coleslaw-

here is the chicken marinated :

And on the grill

Contest Winner!!

Congratulations to Nancy!!!!!
Nancy submitted a Candied Chicken Breast, not only was it Delicious, her directions came over easy and clear, the ingredients simple- the results amazing.

This recipe will be featured here at the grill, in the next week.!!

Be on the look out, more contests to come!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Potato and Ham Soup

Today its been on the warmer side and sunny and i thought to myself do i really want soup!! but it is the last on the menu and I reminded myself how tasty it is, AND how well it freezes. After all it is February and i am sure winter isn't though with us yet!

6 med/sm potatoes
1 garlic glove (chopped)
1/2 cup onion (chopped)

boil the above ingredients until your potatoes are cooked- Strain, and SAVE the water!!!

stick butter
1/2 cup flour
1-2 cups of diced ham
2 cup milk
1 tsp basil
salt and pepper

With your strained potatoes and onions in the pot- add your butter- and stir alittle next add your flour, and ham.. then you want to put 4 cups of the potato water in... turn to medium heat- add your milk salt/pepper, and basil keep on medium heat until thick- about 5 minutes.. turn to low until ready to serve.

You can top this with chives or (green onion), shredded cheese, sour cream, bacon bits.... maybe even a little handful of croutons!

tonight i didn't have bacon on hand so i put a tsp of bacon grease in just for the flavor.. (I know, MOM- bad bad, but bacon is sooooo good)

And below are the grilled cheese i made to go with.

Happy Valentine's from my family to yours!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Baked Ziti with Italian sausage

You really can't go wrong with this flavor combination. The sausage onion and pepper.... oh! So good with your pasta and sauce.. add cheese... Heaven! We all really enjoyed this dinner tonight, and i hope if you make this for your family that you will enjoy it as well.

Pretty simple

1 pack Italian sausage
2 cups of ziti
onion green pepper
Parmesan cheese
1 jar sauce
garlic glove

prepare your ziti to package direction.

I sliced my sausages in half and then once down the middle. browned them in a skillet with a cap full of oil- then i added about 1/3 cup chopped white onion and half of a green pepper (sliced) and the garlic chopped. Covered and cooked until the veggies were soft. (see picture)

I put 2 cups of sauce and stirred it in the ziti pasta. The i put a thin layer of sauce in the bottom of my baking dish, added half the ziti mixture. Next i added the meat and onion, pepper. On top that i poured a little more sauce and topped with about a cup of cheese and then sprinkled with parmasean. The rest of the noodles go on and any remaining sauce and then a little more cheese of course! I baked this in a 350 oven for 30 minutes
Served with a side of garlic bread~

Here is the meat :

And right before i put it in the oven:

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Chili Cheese Dogs (home made chili)

This is a basic chili recipe- it leaves alot of room for you to add what you want!

My Dad came to visit, i was excited to cook for him, but you know what happens when you have two cooks in the kitchen....
Anyways, one night i was making chili for Dad and Aaron,( the kids were way to young.) Well, I am using a chili mix pack... and my Father says "oh... that's just the base, Let me show you..." this man proceeded to add everything in the kitchen cupboard, and refrigerator...things i never would of dreamed of putting in chili! His chili that night was the best i have had to this day, and it is a beautiful memory i treasure! Dads chili inspired me to start making chili from scratch and stop using those mix packs.

Here is the basic chili:

1 pound hamburger
1/2 cup onion chopped (i used white onion)
1 can dark red kidney beans
1 can black beans
1 can diced tomato
1 can tomato sauce
1/2 can water
2 tbs chili powder
1 tbs steak sauce
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 green pepper (chopped)

brown your hamburger and onions- and put in a pot, add the rest of the ingredients bring to a boil and then simmer until its thick. I started this at 3 and 4:30 the chili is nice and thick for the dogs!

And no, i didn't drain the beans or tomato it all went in!

For the chili dogs- I boil my hot dogs about 5 min. put them in the buns top with chili and cheese, i put them in a 425 oven until the cheese is melted.

For the chili you do not use, simply freeze it!!

This is these dogs right before the oven- it took about 3 tbl of chili to top each one.

and here is the chili YUMMY:

Coming the week of 2-15-2011

Hello to you all! Is everyone anxiously awaiting Valentines day?! Just a few things this week i wanted to catch everyone up on the going ons! New to the Grill is Patty- She is going to share her wonderful baking with everyone, I understand she is the brownie queen! In case you missed her first post here is the link for it:

The pizza party was a huge hit, I really hope each of you put this on your own menu for next week- The crust is delicious and the directions very easy, I just have to say Thank you again to Lindy for sharing that with us!

The competition deadline is almost near, i had said i would take entries until Valentine's Day. I am just about certain of the winner, I have narrowed it down to a select three. But please if you have something you would like to enter, you still have the opportunity!

Also coming this week I have a special guest "chef" our 1st HOORAY!!!!! Her name is Nancy, and she will be cooking dinner at the grill on Thurs. Feb 17, 2011. I am so anxious to see what her meal is going to be. So for my menu i will only have 6 instead of the 7 meals.

As always if you have any questions, or are interested in doing a meal one night and putting it on the blog please just contact me at we can pick a date! I want to keep this fun, and friendly, and interesting!! So please invite your friends and family to join us, the more people we have, the more fantastic meals we can create together!

Shrimp Alfredo and garlic bread *Alfredo is made from scratch - cream cheese, heavy cream, parm)

Grilled Chicken and Salad (mayo, Italian dressing,- salad fixings)

Pork Chops- home made applesauce (Italian bread crumbs, Apples)

BLT's  and soup - (bacon, lettuce , tomato. broccoli cheese soup)

Tuna casserole- (tuna cream of mushroom... peas? maybe)

Chicken Nachos- this is going to be GOOD! planning on a big spread here, with guacamole and the works!

Friday, February 11, 2011

PIZZA party!

Tonight was so much fun! Alittle pizzeria mustache... home made pizza crust, and a couple of toppings, along with a $1 movie rental and chocolate milk- This is a great Family NIGHT! I think kids of all ages would enjoy this one!

Below is an easy and great pizza crust!! Thank you SOO much Lindy!

Along with my crust, i bought a jar of sauce .89 , pepperoni, mozzarella, and a small can of sliced black olives!!

I cut the dough and made 4 small pizzas- gave one to each child to "top" as they wish. and simply baked in the oven at 400 for 20 minutes!!

For Aaron's pizza i stuffed the crust with cheese- the possibilities are endless with this!

Here are some cute shots of my children!

Pizza Crust- by Lindy

Okay here goes...

You need:
1 packet yeast (I buy the jar because I use it so much and just measure it out, I believe it is 2 1/4 tsp.)
3 tsp. sugar
1/3 cup warm water (about 120 degrees)

Mix these three ingrediants in a bowl (I use a glass measuring cup)
Put in warm oven for 5 mins. to allow yeast to activate.

Put 3 cups of flour in a bowl. Add the yeast mixture to the flour. Have 1 cup warm water on hand. Mix flour and yeast together. As you mix add warm water. You will use most of the cup but maybe not all or maybe alittle more. Once your dough has formed and is not too wet place on floured countertop or rolling mat (I use the countertop).
Now knead the dough approx. 5 mins. Use flour as needed on countertop to keep it from sticking.

Grease a bowl and place rounded dough in bowl. Cover with a towel and place in warm oven to rise for 15 mins. (make sure oven is not on, just warm)

Take out of oven (turn oven to 400 degrees), punch (lightly) down dough and roll out on pizza pan (stone). Put sauce, cheese and desired toppings. Cook for 20 mins @ 400 degrees. ENJOY!!!!

NOTE: If you like alot of toppings then I like to put my sauce on crust and cook 10 mins after this add other toppings and cook another 10 mins, this just helps make the bottom crust crispier.

Peanut Butter Crumble Brownies

Brownies are a wonderful way to make a fast, easy and oh so chocolately dessert fast. You can do a million and one things to a basic brownie mix to make it your own. Here is the first one from the lady who loves to bake.

I use a basic brownie mix and a 9x13 pan. Add 3 eggs for a cake like brownie for this one. Mix your brownie mix and pour into a 9 x 13 pan that you have sprayed with nonstick spray.

For the topping:
3/4 cup smooth peanut butter
1 cup confectioners sugar

Mix the peanut butter and confectioners sugar until it is crumbly. Sprinkle over the prepared brownies.

Bake for 40 to 43 minutes in a 350 degree oven.
Let cool before cutting into bars.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bacon wrapped *stuffed* Chicken Breast

I made this for my Mom and Dad, Jim oh..2 years ago- And Dad says this is the BEST chicken breast he has ever had!! THE BEST!! My Mom and I always get a good giggle when I tell her I am making this for dinner, she'll say "OH, Carolyn Are you making THE BEST CHICKEN BREAST EVER!!!"  HAHAHAA

Here it is:

4 chicken breasts pounded thin
4 servings of mashed potato (make it easy on yourself, i bought a pack of "loaded" potato mix by Betty Crocker for .89)
4 strips bacon

Tonight i had some mozzarella i needed to use so i threw that in there too.

Prepare your potatoes to package direction.

Pound your chicken breast thin and then flip them, fill the middle with your potato and cheese if you wish then you fold your chicken and wrap it in the bacon (see the picture)
I cooked them covered in a glass baking dish with a cap full of oil at 375 for 30 min and then uncovered at 425 15 minutes (or untill done)

served tonight with a salad and left over beans from last night.

here they are pounded and filled:

AND here they are wrapped and ready for the Oven:

Sugar Cookies

My mom gave me this recipe last Christmas, my first attempt was a disaster!! But I have made them twice since and have been able to pull it off!! I decided to make the kids cookies today for the Valentine Holiday..

3/4 c sugar
2/3 c shortening (i didn't have that on hand so i used 1 stick butter softened)
1 tsp. vanilla

cream the above ingredients and than add 1 egg


Stir in 4 tsp of milk
2 cups of flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt

Form a nice soft dough- and then refrigerate for an hour.
roll and cut

bake 10-12 min in 350 oven!

I put a cherry frosting and pink "falmingo" sprinkles on these! Thank you Mom, I "heart" you for this recipe!

Monday, February 7, 2011

No Recipe TONIGHT- I bombed DINNER :(

OH Cod.. are you really only good for frying?? the answer is YES, in my book anyways- Dinner was so disgusting i threw it away and and sent Aaron to pick the kids up hotdogs,( there is no food here, tomorrow is my shopping day.) I should of known better than to bake Cod, i should of gone with my instinct and fried it, but i didn't have any oil, well not enough to do anything with.
So, yes it was gross, i messed up!!
If you were going to invite a friend or family member to join the blog...tonight wouldn't be a good night for that!!! I am very confident about the rest of this week.
Better get to cleaning up the mess in my kitchen.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

BBQ patty melts

OH BOY was this an experience tonight lol-I used xtra lean hamburger meat- burned the first three patties into hockey pucks- yeah- frustrating- anyways the dogs were happy- but... i perfected it and i am ready to share!

1 pound hamburger
1/2 cup BBQ sauce
saltine crackers about ..3/4 cup crushed
1 egg
cheese, mushroom, jalapenos if you want!

So initially i was going to do BBQ burgers but the BBQ sauce has sugar in it and sugar burns- QUICKLY- so to salvage the meal i changed it to a patty melt and honest, I am pleased with the result.

combine your ground beef with BBQ sauce, saltines, and egg- shape into patties-

in a skillet brown (ha ha quickly both sides- don't burn em like i did) when they are  brown- add 1 tbl spoon or less of BBQ sauce to each burger top - and then cheese (tonight i had provolone left over and some mozzarella )
next add about 1/4 cup water to your skillet cover with a lid and "low" simmer about 15 min. the end result is a good "winter" melt- Aaron was really happy because i put chopped jalapenos in his and mushrooms!!

Way too much lettuce on this baby!

this above picture is about oh.. 5 minutes in- i had chopped the mushrooms and put them in the center to cook- that liquid is not grease- it your water and BBQ sauce!!

THE BEST- Mac-n-cheese

Easy Wheezy and Extra Cheesy!!!
This macaroni and cheese is really good- it's perfect for winter, holidays, pot luck....etc!

Here is what you need:

2 cups macaroni noodles
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tsp worcestershire sauce
1 tsp prepared mustard
2 cups milk
2 8oz blocks cheese  (i used mild and medium cheddar) You will want to cut 1 and 3/4 into blocks and then shred the rest.

boil your macaroni noodles drain and put in a large baking dish-

in a sauce pan melt your butter, add worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper, mustard- next add your flour and stir really well it will make a paste- remove from heat and add your milk- bring to a boil and let it boil ONE minute stirring.
turn your heat to low, and add cubed cheese and whisk until melted. when all the cheese is melted stir it into your macaroni - and top with the shredded cheese.

bake in a 350 degree oven for 20-25 minutes.

SURE TO PLEASE! Way better than a "box" mac n cheese!

Next Weeks Menu-

First I want to just say Welcome to all of the new members!! It makes me so happy so see the support!! I can't believe just a short month ago this blog had 1 follower and now 20, that is incredible, this site as also had over 450 hits!
The competition/food challenge deadline is just a week away, and let me tell ya'll i have received several promising recipes! It is going to be a hard decision for sure, I am glad to have my little food critics at home to help pick the winner. Deadline for your entry will be February 14, 2011. I hope to have a winner announced that Friday. The prize has been increased to $15 gift card. You can inbox me at
If you have an idea or recipe that you just want to share outside the competition I am always looking and ready to try something new!  Be sure to tell your friends and family that enjoy cooking to check us out and join in on the fun!
Other exciting news: i might have a special guest do some writing but on the dessert side- !!!!!
Please comment, ask questions, and give feedback on what you have made and your experience with it- good or bad i can take it!


Country style ribs (pork)- (going to make these in the crock pot with Italian dressing, serving coleslaw, and a hard roll)

chicken nuggets(see recipe) baked beans -(4 cans pork and beans, onion, bacon, maple syrup, liquid smoke)

Italian sausage zitti - (zitti, Italian sausage, mozzarella, parm, sauce- and garlic bread)

Stuffed chicken breast- (chicken breast, mashed potato, bacon- and salad fixings!)

Chili cheese dogs-and Fries (this was a special request- and it took the place of the meatloaf)- the chili will be made from scratch-

Potato and ham soup,  (diced ham, potato's, milk...:) serving with grilled cheese, tomato sandwiches)

Homemade Pizzas- ( sauce, cheese, pepperoni, black olives- will be doing a home made crust- i got a great recipe from my friend to try out, this is fun to make and have your children help)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Chicken Tequitos

Want to impress your Man and His buddies on Superbowl Sunday... Make a platter of these! They are not to hard to make, a little messy, but with practice and following my steps you will be a tequito pro.
The most important thing is to be organized. You will want to cook your chicken breast (3 pieces), one taco seasoning pack,  water to cover the chicken and a lid! Cook on low most of the day (4-6 hours). When its done it will fall apart! put it in a bowl and set it aside.
Cheese!! I bought a pack of Great Value finely shredded fiesta blend.. you will need about 1 cup put it in a bowl and set aside.
Yellow corn tortillas Mission Brand makes an extra thin- i would suggest NOT using these your first time they are more tricky to work with they break easy- so start with just your regular yellow corn tortilla.
In a large skillet heat your oil. have paper towels on your platter to put your tequitos to drain- you are also going to want a stack of napkins in front of you- Alright Ready? here we go:

Take your tortilla and put it in the oil just for a second- remove and put on your paper napkin in front of you- continue i do three at a time- fill these with just enough chicken sprinkle with cheese roll and put on a plate- do ALL of the tortillas-  dip, fill, roll, plate...
when they are all filled you are ready to fry them. Typically they fry pretty quick about 3 mins both sides should be browned-

see aren't they pretty?!

that salsa is something i picked up- its a pack called "salsa seasoning mix" by concord foods- you just add your own Roma tomato and red onion. its pretty good!

here is my tequitos all ready to be dropped in the oil:

And here they are in the skillet:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tuna Cakes (my little secret)

For 59 cents a can- wow- you can create something pretty good- I have been making and adjusting this recipe for 2 years now, and I have found that putting it on a pineapple ring really adds the flavor!

now this list of ingredients might seem long- I promise you its worth it! Another nice thing about these, is that you can make them (hold off on cooking them!) the night before or the morning of- that is what i did this morning. And as you get comfortable making these- i am sure you will adjust this according to your own family's taste. This makes 11 cakes.

2 cans tuna (tuna in water not oil-)
1 egg
1/2 cup of celery chopped fine
2 green onions chopped fine
1/4 cup mayo
1/2 tsp dill weed
1/2 tsp horseradish
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tbs melted butter
8-12 saltine crackers crushed

basically you are combing all of the above ingredients until its a sturdy Constancy if its too wet add more crackers- and then i have a bowl of flour that i dip these guys in as i am forming them into patties (cakes) if your hands get too gooey with the tuna mixture simply scrape off what you can in the the bowl and then wash your hands having them wet keeps the mixture from sticking to them.

once your "cakes" are formed and dusted in flour i sprinkled alittle old bay over the top-

In a skillet with about 1/4 inch of oil heat and then fry each side until they are a nice golden brown. Serve them on top of a pineapple ring with some tarter sauce... and there you go!

and this is what they looked like when i stuck them in the fridge this morning:

On alittle side note: I will not be cooking on Superbowl Sunday- i have a coupon for KFC hot wings and they are calling my name :)